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Motivational Monday: Post Holiday Sugar Blues

Well I know that this weekend I stepped away from my meal plan and enjoyed some treats I normally wouldn't have eaten given a regular day. At first it was enjoyable, but by Sunday afternoon was body was screaming at me haha. I was tired and lethargic, lacking motivation and dreaming of naps. I now remember why my body needed to make some changes.

It is always a struggle after the holidays to get back on track, to leave the treats behind and get the workouts in. Personally, I am really close to achieving a professional goal I have been dreaming about for a year. It is motivating me to push harder in all aspects of my life to be the healthiest and happiest person I can be.

SO! It's Monday, my meal plan is on the fridge and I am starting my round of double workouts. Continuing on with the dynamic lifting but also adding in more cardio. This will be a solid test of strength both mental and physical. But I love a challenge. I know though that I will be coming off this sugar rush blue for a few days. I thought I would share some tips with you about how to kick the holiday cravings!

Tip #1: Clean out that pantry and get rid of the treats

YES! I know.....not fun at all. BUT temptation when it is right in front of you will only make you think of it and want to snack on it later. Don't allow it. Get rid of the goodies.

Tip #2: Drink less juice and more water

In the morning, we set the tone for our day. Since we all have had some sugar over the weekend, if we wake up and continue that routine with heavy amounts of juice our bodies will not detox. So check out your labels and read what you are drinking.

Tip #3: What are you putting in your coffee?

Are you someone that adds a lot of sweeteners and sugars? This is key for coming off of your holiday cravings. Start adding less sweetener and sugar. This will help decrease the signals in your brain and help you to detox faster.

Tip #4: Eat a solid breakfast

Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. You have to get your metabolism going and by continuing to eat the pastries and donuts you are enabling your bodies want for sugar. Start by eating complex carbs and proteins to keep you feeling fuller, longer. This will also help keep your metabolism up and decrease your cravings.

Tip #5: Eat clean and eat often

Start by jumping right back into your routine. Start eating clean, skip the leftovers and eat every 2-3 hours. This will keep your body and your mind on the right track and decrease your thoughts for the things you have been snacking on before.

Post holidays are never easy, especially if you hosted the dinner at your house. But don't let temptation get the best of you. Get back on track, get your workouts in and get moving!

Happy Monday!

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