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Motivational Monday: How to Stay on Track While Traveling My 4,3,2,1 Method

Happy Monday everyone!!!!

I am super excited for another day but I realized that I have one month left here. Which means, I have a lot of traveling to do over the next month and then one HUGE roadtrip ahead of me. So what am I going to do? Am I going to eat fast food, cheat all the time, ruin my progress? HECK NO!!!

Staying on track while traveling simply comes down to PLANNING AHEAD. YUP! Having a plan pretty much is the golden ticket to life.

Some quick items to keep on hand while traveling:

1. Nuts- Nuts are a great source of nutrition and an easy, clean snack for the car or plane. Grab a handful and throw them into a little baggie or check your grocery store shelves because they now sell them in handy to go packets. Always try to find the ones that are unsalted, raw or natural. The ones with the added flavors usually have sugar substitues in them. Pair it with a piece of fruit and you are set!

2. Water- Now this one involves thinking ahead. Water feels your body with a sense of satiety that sugary snacks don't. Personally, I take a water bottle that is measured so that I am following how much water I am drinking. It's great because while you are on your trip you can reuse without buying those expensive single bottles of water and you are being environmentally friends. If you don't wan to go that route then keep a case of water in your car, grab and go! BUT remember to think ahead about your bathroom situation especially if it's a long car ride ;)

3. Raw Veggies- these are my go to for car trips. I pack a bunch of raw veggies and portion out some hummus to have a sweet but filling treat. I throw them in my lunch box with my water bottle so they keep cool and taste great. My usual go to raw veggies are broccoli, red peppers, carrots and celery. It's a great way to get your veggie intake in and if you eat more you don't have to worry versus if you were eating candy!

4. Oatmeal- Oatmeal is great because you can pre-portion it out and throw it in your suitcase. It's easy to make with water so you can make it in the hotel room without having to go out and buy a bunch of additives. I enjoy portioning it out with some nuts or raisins to make it even more filling and enjoyable.

Things to think about when traveling:

1. Exercising- So for me I know it is important to stay on track while I travel. I know I will be eating out more than I am used to but don't want to lose progress. I always take my laptop and my DVDs to play. I also utilize my Beachbody Ondemand account if I don't feel like packing DVDs and just hit play online to a workout from my phone or laptop. Another thing I have found beneficial, when booking a hotel I will check if they have a fitness center. I will call and see if you can actually use it (learned the hard way too many broke machines) and see if there is access 24/7.

2. Eating out and drinking: Usually, especially on my beach vacations or going to dinner with friends I will have a drink. I really don't drink a lot but I do enjoy a fun drink when out. Alcohol can have a big factor in social settings. Always think ahead, drink in moderation and in between drinks drink a glass of water that way you are giving your body what it needs and will feel fuller longer. This way you are less likely to consume too much.

3. Chat with your waiter! Yes! So we know that a lot of restaurants cook with higher fat items, things that for them can be more cost effective and adds flavor to the food. When I eat out I ask a few questions. Always ask if the dressing is on the salad-if so, get it on the side. I always avoid the cream based dressings because they are fattening. I ask how they prepare the veggies and ask if they can steam them. I always ask to have my fish or chicken grilled and avoid the heavy breadings. It's okay to ask. I even will check out a menu before I go to see what options they have.

Heading to an event???

1. Weddings, work events, sporting events, benefits they are all so much fun and awesome but the food usually means a buffet or large, multi-course dinner. I like to eat before I go to an event, not going to lie. This way I know I ate something solid, with my kind of nutrition. If I know I am going somewhere that the options will be limited I eat ahead of time. I used to feel bad but I know when I go off track my body struggles. I start my day off with a solid breakfast invovling some form of a complex carb and protein, have small snacks leading up and make sure I am eating every 3-3 1/2 hours . This way going into the event I will be less likely to binge or make poor choices.

2. Think ahead, bring snacks, mingle: If I am going to a park I always try to pack some raw veggies or fruit. This way I will be less likely to grab one a treat that will only make me hungry an hour later. I also try at events to be as social as possible. Not only am I really excited to be surrounded by those I love, I notice when I have a water in hand and spend a lot of time chatting I never make it to the cookie table. You have to decide what is important, if progress is important then be mindful. No one will even notice that you were skipping out on the treats or alcohol.

HAVE FUN!!!!!!

1. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go out and have fun. Eating clean to better your health and body should never feel like a pain, like you are starving or are being punished. I love eating clean, I love the added energy it gives me and love how confident I have become in the way I look for myself. BUT I love to have fun and sometimes when I am out I will have a treat or a drink. Why??? Because I decide what is important to me, I decide what I want when I want it. I control my life my. So when you are out think 80-20. 80 percent of the time I am following my meal plan, eating clean and staying consistent. But we are human, that 20 percent is important so that you are less likely to break down and binge eat. SO! Always HAVE FUN, LIVE LIFE FOR YOU, LOVE YOURSELF!

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