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Thankful Thursday: Remember Your Daily Blessings

Today, I like to reflect on life, my week, my workouts, my decision, strengths and failures. I like to see where I have gone and where I need to go. Too often we get so caught up in life and how busy we are we forget to just be thankful for the little things.

Today I am thankful for: MY FAITH

-I know last year that my faith was a rollercoaster. From what felt like the world was piling on me, lead me to question if God was hearing my prayers. Was he listening? Did he hear my pleas? Did he understand how badly I needed him in my life? I never gave up though. I prayed daily. Sometimes they were empty daily prayers but I kept going. I continued to go to church and slowly I started to pray with a purpose and slowly life started to change. I am thankful for my faith. I could not imagine life without it.

Today I am thankful for: MY FAMILY/FRIENDS

- I cannot imagine what it was like to be around me last year as I was struggling. I was so down, complaining all the time, kind of a big mess. I lost a great deal of people I thought were going to be in my life forever. BUT there were a few solid people in my life that never gave up on me. They always checked in on me. They always made time for me and found ways to boost me up. I would not be here if it was not for the close group of people I appreciate and call my family and friends. I am thankful they never gave up on me. I know I would have.

Today I am thankful for: MY TEAM

Beachbody literally is a daily blessing. From the team that has become some of my best friends, to the challenge groups I run reaching out to others who are struggling to the financial freedom it is giving me to get ahead in my life. It is this team that constantly motivates me daily. That makes me want to push harder everyday, that makes me want to be stronger in my faith, stronger in my health and fitness journey, to be a stronger person and make my life count. If it was not for Beachbody I would not be this motivated. I would still be overweight, lacking self confidence and avoiding the mirror at all costs. My team literally pumps me up and I love checking in with them everyday.

Today I am thankful for: MY HEALTH

Simply, I woke up healthy. I woke up without illness, injury and a stable mentality. None of these existed last year. I spent 9 months out of the year struggling in every area of this. I didn't realize how fortunate I was until I became a healthier person all around to realize just waking up is a blessing. To not have to worry, to be able bodied enough to get up and workout. This literally is the first thankful prayer I say everyday. Thank you God for allowing me to wake up healthy today. Health is by far the best gift we can be given. We have to stop taking it for granted and stop complaining . Be happy you are healthy and you are here.

Sit down and take a quiet moment to think of what you are thankful for...what are you blessed with?

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